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el-TIGRE 1,20 m f/8 Telescope
Setup and Firstlight at the Observatorio La Luz, Guanajuato Mexico
Copyright © 2006-2019 from Stathis Kafalis

"El-TIGRE" (el-Telescopio Internacional de Guanajuato, Robótico-Espectroscópico) formerly known as "HRT" (Hamburg Robotic Telescope) is a joint project of the universities of Hamburg, Guanajuato und Liège concentrated on stellar physics. The 1.20 m f/8 Cassegrain optics with Nasmyth Focus and field derotator is operated in an Alt-Azimuth fork mount with direct driven motors. All devices and software are designed for remote robotic use. Initially the telescope was set up in Hamburg for long term testing in 2002 and was then reinstalled by us at its final site at the Observatorio La Luz in 2013.

Further Info:
TIGRE Website Liège University
TIGRE Website Hamburg University
Neues-Hamburger-Teleskop-wird-via-Internet-gesteuert.html (Article in Hamburger Abendblatt)

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Tigre evening scene at the Observatorio La Luz

Tigre at night
The approx. 7 metric ton azimuth base at the crane
Installation of the secondary mirror
Installation of the tertiary mirror

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